When I was introduced to photography to my grandfather in 2010, he gave me a camera, but not his Nikon D2Xs like I was expecting, It was his Nikon FA, a 50mm f/1.4, and a MD-15 motor drive and a roll of Fuji Superia 400. It was love at first shot. 
It will be most remembered for it's innovative metering system - an early testbed for the current and much copied 'Matrix Metering' system commonly found in many Nikon AF cameras as well as those of competitors. It was also the first Nikon camera body that had shutter priority and program automation exposure control. Ir will be remembered by me as the camera that made me a photographer. This was in addition to the traditional favoured aperture priority AE and fully manual exposure control. Furthermore, TTL OTF flash metering enhanced the FA's flash capability and made the FA the most sophisticated multimode manual focus Nikon ever. To supplement the FA's immense capabilities, a host of other changes occured during the early part of the eighties. Firstly, a new line of Nikkor lenses called the AI-S (Automatic Indexing Shutter) and a new dedicated motor drive were introduced. Depite all these, the FA still retained its backward compatibilitiy with the huge Nikon system. I love my FA, and it won't leave me until film photo


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2013

